Guard your gates book

Dec 04, 2018 bill gates reveals his 5 favorite books of 2018. Another strategy we must implement is guarding our ears. Guard your eyes maintaining moral purity in todays world. Bill gates reveals his 5 favorite books of 2018 cnet. I am going to tell you a story from the book of nehemiah. How to guard your heart be not conformed to this world. From a meditation guide to a memoir about life in a survivalist family, the microsoft cofounder offers his reading recommendations. Time 20 minutes description this object lesson teaches about the need to protect our hearts and minds from the evil things that might get in them. Guard your heart above all else,for it determines the course of your life. My book on sexual purity is available on amazon in paperback and kindle version.

How important to guard the gate burn that evil book, avoid that xrated. Learning how to close your gate, learning what is yours to own, and learning what to. Here you will find the tools, support and guidance that you need to break the porn habit and experience the sweet taste of freedom again. Finn book 3 soul guard elemental book 5 traveller book 2. For instance, we say calm your heart and we use our words to love each other. As you study and apply the principles found in whos guarding the gates. If you guard your gates, then nothing will come into your mind and heart. This lesson uses johns letter to seven churches in asia minor a. Each is a symbol representing an aspect of our christian walk. Thankfully, we have a blueprint for just such leadership in the book of nehemiah. In the book, the temple represents our heart where god meets with us.

In that conflict, tremendous importance is attached to the city gates. We will not share your number or email with any third party. Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. Guard the gates of your heart new heights baptist church. The book of nehemiah is a great story that has much to. The quote that you ask about is found in john bunyans book the holy war. In john bunyans book, holy war, he tells the story of the city of mansoul, under the rule of prince emmanuel, attacked by diabolus, the enemy of souls. As a child you can probably remember seeing a replica of the three little monkeys speak no evil, see no. Our love for the savior and our obedience are vital weapons of war as we go in pursuit of our goods, and take possession of the enemys gates. The reason the title of the blog is guard your gates is to help us remember to watch what we look at, listen to, read, speak, say as well as let god fine tune our sense of touch and feel.

The gates represent your eyes, ears and mouth, where information and images enter or exit your mind. The gates master products catalog features information on all gates equipment. Your gates are not only a way in they are a way out. To talk about the heart is to talk about the very core of a personthoughts, feelings, understanding, inclinations and passions. Aug 11, 2014 times are crucial and its time for the saints of god to tune into the frequencies of heaven by guarding the ears, heart spirit, and the eye gates of our soul and spirit by processing and filtering out excessive baggage and dirt which has nothing to do with the things of the spirit of god. Are you guarding your gates what are you allowing in through your gates. Dec 04, 2017 pastor corbin reminds us that our eyes, our ears and our flesh are gates to which we allow in both good and bad. He said that there are five gates the eye gate, ear gate, nose gate, mouth gate, and feel gate in the city of mansoul read a mans soul and satan will enter the city of. The debrief is intended to lead individuals toward repentance.

Where in the bible does it say watch your ear gates and your. Purge of babylon, book 2 the prison guard s son mr. He said that there are five gatesthe eye gate, ear gate, nose gate, mouth gate, and feel gate in the city of mansoul read a mans soul and satan will enter the city of. The book of proverbs identifies some things to avoid, but it also contains numerous instructions to pursue wisdom, grace, discipline, and life. Materials small box heartshaped object a handful of candy or a few candy bars preparation you might need a confederate when you try to tempt the gatekeepers to let. There is an ingredient of spiritual authority that comes to life when a pastor will discipline himself to prayer for his people. Well never post to your twitter account without your permission. Well never post to your facebook account without your permission.

We really need to guard our ear gates and eye gates because sometimes the materials we read or hear take root in our heart unknowingly and slowly become a stronghold. If you guard your gates, then nothing will come into your mind and heart that you dont want in there. Guardyoureyes gye provides free and anonymous help for all levels of the struggle. If we allow the enemy past our gates, he can do untold destruction to our hearts and minds. A godcontrolled thought life will govern your speech v. These are ways in which satan will enter into our lives and attempt to destroy or distort our way of thinking. There are three ways you can create a gates notes account. Rods easytofollow system for guarding your gates centers around three keys for high productivity. Guard the gates pastoral prayer is a great biblical concept and it has great authority. The guard your gates keys to high productivity patterson, rod, francis phazion, brian on.

Fill yourself up with violence and angry talk, your going to be an angry person, fill yourself up with jesus, goodness and hope, awesome i want to hang out with that dude. Guarding your heart is more about feeding your soul than avoiding sin. Guard the gates it is imperative that a minister guards the gates of his mind. Indeed we put bits in horses mouths that they may obey us and we turn their whole body. Holman christian standard bible guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.

There are several spiritual gates in our body which i will be talking about today. He is a husband, father, leader of men, keynote speaker, and blogger. Sep 07, 2019 fill yourself up with violence and angry talk, your going to be an angry person, fill yourself up with jesus, goodness and hope, awesome i want to hang out with that dude. Dec 18, 2019 first of the gates to place a particular emphasis on is the mouth. Some might ask, what difference does it make what we hear or listen to. Study guide, you will find yourself challenged to guard your gates more than ever before. Watch listen save as we go through life, we will hear and see many things. Join now no one else can see that you are in our whatsapp groups since they are broadcasts.

Its a time to really get to know someone and invest in who they are. Consider what james said about the power of the tongue. The book of mormon teaches that peter is not the keeper of the gate 2. Your gates, as you may remember from the introduction, include your ears, your eyes and your mouth. James, one of the twelve disciples, in his book laid great emphasis on the tongue and its destructive capabilities james 3. In the book, the temple represents our heart where. So if you ever see something that makes you feel really scared or makes you want to do bad things, you just shut your ears and your eyes to it. However, if you would like a free copy, you can view this file which will allow you to save a copy and to print it if you like.

The book of proverbs beautifully takes practical matters, interweaves the spiritual, and makes life the beautiful thing god wants it to be. Times are crucial and its time for the saints of god to tune into the frequencies of heaven by guarding the ears, heart spirit, and the eye gates of our soul and spirit by processing and filtering out excessive baggage and dirt which has nothing to do with the things of the spirit of god. What solomon said to his son was, son, guard, protect, and be careful of your thought life. Contemporary english version carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life. Can anyone give me some examples of things satan might try to get past your ear gates, your eye gates or your mouth gate. Many of those things we have control over based on where we decide to go, who we decide to be around, what we decide to watch or listen to.

You will be encouraged in your powerful calling as the watchwoman of your home. Jesus said, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks matthew 12. Free ebooks guard at the gates of hell gladius book 1. Sep, 2019 guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. What we meditate on, determines the course of our lives. Pearly gates is an informal name for the gateway to heaven according to some christian. The author is a devoted mother of two children, ariel and akira, and doting grandmother of two beautiful granddaughters, aiyana and tiasha. Published by word of faith family worship cathedralin aug 20. Most leaders dont even know the game they are in simon sinek at live2lead 2016 duration. This manual studies the twelve gates of jerusalem that nehemiah rebuilt, relating it to building, repairing and guarding the gates of your home. Can anyone give me some examples of things satan might try to get.

Nlt the above scripture is pretty much self explanatory. That you will consciously guard the gates god has given you. The walls around jerusalem represent your relationship with christ. So as we start a new week, make a covenant with yourself. Bill gates and the making of the microsoft empire introduction to computing systems. Mar 19, 2018 so as we start a new week, make a covenant with yourself. Pastor corbin reminds us that our eyes, our ears and our flesh are gates to which we allow in both good and bad. They are the phrases that distill a lot of conversation into one sentence. Stackpole on deadhouse gates such is the impact of the first book in eriksons monumental malazan saga, gardens of the moon, that the achievement of this sequel is doubly. James, one of the twelve disciples, in his book laid great emphasis on the tongue and its. Your gates are the weakest part of your spiritual wall, and satan will try really hard to get in through them. What you allow, come in and what you dont allow, stays out. Its a time to let your guard down a little at a time and begin to share the truths of who you are.

Some writers open windows on worlds, erikson opens worlds and makes them so real, so magical, youre not sure if you can escapeand i dont want to. The book of nehemiah in the bible serves as a great metaphor for living the spiritual life. In the time of nehemiah, there was a temple in jerusalem, but there were no walls. Bible verses related to guarding your heart from the king james version kjv by relevance. When a person knows god and is right with god, they will find they live a perfectly natural, intensely practical, and deeply spiritual life all at the same time. On sep, 2019 sep, 2019 by efua in christian, christian blogging, life. Biblical information for those who want to continue to guard their gates and to assist in spreading the gospel and word of jesus christ. Having gates is good, because they let the good stuff in, but they can also let in bad stuff.

Keeping ones heart truly is our greatest stewardship responsibility because, we are told, from out of the heart come all lifes issues. We really need to guard our ear gates and eye gates because sometimes the materials we read or hear take root in our heart. Guarding your heart part 1 guard your heart proverbs 4. Guarding our hearts is a command and a responsibility for every christian. Guard your gates it is not your talent, your creativity, your money or your family.

Organized by product category, this catalog includes the parts and repair information you need for your gates products, systems, and solution kits. The book of nehemiah is a great story that has much to teach us about courage, leadership, faithfulness to gods call and more. First of the gates to place a particular emphasis on is the mouth. By building your spiritual walls and guarding your eye, ear and mouth gates, you can overcome bondage to pornography and sexual sin. When our heart is strong, we are able to resist the temptations that cause many saints to stumble. Dear brothers and sisters, i just wanted to share that all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial 1 corinthians 10. Guard your gates we have a few good phrases we say in our house a lot, little catchphrases or sentences that carry a lot of meaning in just a few words. Lewis captured the tension in his book the four loves. Feb 11, 2019 your greatest stewardship keeping your heart. Compare book prices on to buy books from the lowest price among top online book retailers. He is constantly under the assault and duress of the devil and because of this, our mind must be worked on very diligently to prevent the capture of it. Friend calls you and says hey, what do you say we watch the movie the human centipede. This makes it very vital for us to guard our hearts constantly with the word of god.

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